The Gift of Your Unique Capacity

I grew up on a 14-acre farm between two small Texas towns. It took a good five minutes to walk to the creek along the back of our property. We rode horses and raised goats and sheep, plus a single cow. Every year, my dad and I (but mostly my dad, with some help from family and friends) would harvest and bale hay to sell from our huge field.

My current backyard is a 20 x 15 foot plot, near the heart of a large Texas city. It takes five decent steps to walk to the alley along the back of our property. We grow herbs and have two apple trees, plus a single plum. Every year, my wife and I (but mostly my wife, with some “help” from our kids) buy and plant various flowers to enjoy from our tiny porch.

These two experiences, based on these two plots of land, are very different. But is either better than the other? 


Legalism, License, or Love?


Recognizing the Voice of God