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2024-25 Residency Labs: APPLY TODAY!

  • (for Fall 2024 - Spring 2025). Apply Today! (map)

The Equipping Group, in partnership with other networks & orgs, has developed multiple year-long residency processes to serve you! Whether you are trying to discern your call and fit for ministry, whether you’ve recently stepped into a new role, or whether you are a veteran minister looking to grow God’s people into developed, disciple-making disciples. We’re honored to partner with various organizations, denominations, networks and churches, to provide training for ministry and planting!


EVERYONE HAS A ROLE IN GOD’S KINGDOM, LET US HELP YOU FIND YOURS. This is a collaborative, experiential nine-month training that considers aspects of spiritual life and family, personal leadership, and giftings through the lens of God’s mission and your specific fit for the kingdom.


START A CHURCH THAT FITS YOUR UNIQUE CONVICTIONS, LEADERSHIP, & MISSION FIELD. This collaborative, experiential 10-month training equips you in practical areas of starting a gospel-centered, Spirit-led, multiplying church. You’ll learn, discuss, practice, and glean from many trainers in a cohort of peers, as your spiritual confidence and ability is bolstered in time-tested church planting/leadership competencies.


CHURCH PLANTING CAN BE HARD; YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALONE. TEG’s Early Years Cohort is for leaders in your first three years of a church plant. Nine months of coaching, peer learning, and relationships (which start and end with overnight retreats) walks through spiritual and practical realities unique to the early years of starting a gospel-centered, Spirit-led, multiplying church.

June 22

Australia Immersions

August 27

Saturate’s Disciple-Making Lab: APPLY TODAY!